Experience the Unexpected...

In the blink of an eye, thousands of guests dressed all in white arrive at a secret location for a chic picnic en masse—a global culinary phenomenon with “joie de vivre” and local flair!


Each event has its own flair. See what the city has in store for you.

See all the News
18 March 2024

Le Diner en Blanc returns to Denver in 2024

Le Diner en Blanc returns to Denver in 2024 with a new-ish hosting team!
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20 March 2024

Save the Date

Save the Date! We are back!
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27 May 2022

Day-Of Details for June 4th

Arrival at the location of the event will be at around 6:00pm. Leader will help you locate your plac...
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Moment by Moment

Le Rendez-Vous

Guests meet up all around the city with their tables, chairs, and picnic baskets in tow. Except for a few volunteers who will lead everyone to the event site, no one knows where they’re going…


Guests reach the secret location in a stunning wave of white. They come from all over! In just 20 minutes of organized chaos, thousands of guests set up their tables, chairs, and place-settings with great excitement and determination. Dinner is almost served!

The Napkin Wave

Once the scene is set, guests wave their white cloth napkins in the air, in unison, to signal that Le Diner is about to commence.

Le Dîner

Guests savour their carefully prepared meals and drink in this magical time and place with friends, new and old. Everyone remains seated until the meal is over.

End of dinner

Guests light up the sky to signal the end of their elegant dinner and the rest of the night. It’s time to mix and mingle and enjoy the live entertainment!

Let's Dance!

Everyone is up from their seats, taking pictures and getting out on that dancefloor!

Au revoir

Guests leave the scene, as though it was all a dream, with nothing but their belongings and memories to last a lifetime—or at least until next year!

Le Diner en Blanc always makes for a stunning scene. Have a look at the most memorable moments from each event.

Local Partners

Partner with Le Diner en Blanc

Le Diner en Blanc is all about making memories and connections across a global network and in the realms of Gastronomy, Travel, and Fashion. It’s where local communities engage with brands that reflect our values and style, whether by offering sampling opportunities with “joie de vivre,” running luxury contests or demonstrations by celebrity chefs or influencers, and always creating visually stunning backdrops for guest and partners alike. The possibilities are endless! For more information, please fill out the form below.

Upcoming Events

Discover Diner en Blanc around the world. See what's upcoming near you. Or plan a destination picnic!

The Team

Le Diner en Blanc is made possible by hard working and dedicated hosts and volunteers in every city! These trend-setters take on leadership roles in their communities and create new standards for lifting each other up and making their city shine.

80+ Diner en Blanc Around the World

Asia / Middle East