Frequently asked questions

Denver FAQ
How can I attend?
What are the key rules?
Why are there so many rules for an event that is all about spontaneity?
Are the membership and tickets transferable?
Are tickets refundable?
The departure point I want to choose is full. What should I do?
Do I have to bring a guest?
My guest can no longer attend. What should I do?
What kind of table do I need to bring?
Why not let guests decide on the size and shape of their table?
What do I need to bring?
What do I wear?

Frequently asked questions

General Information
What is Diner en Blanc International?
How many cities have participated in Le Diner en Blanc?
How can I bring Le Diner en Blanc to my city?
How can I attend?
What are the key rules?
Will the event be cancelled or postponed in case of bad weather?
What kind of table do I need to bring?
What are the cut-off dates for catered meal and beverage purchases?
What do guests pay?
What partnership/sponsorship opportunities exist with Le Diner en Blanc?