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Secret dinner party with all-white dress code returns to Denver this summer

Secret dinner party with all-white dress code returns to Denver this summer

As Featured in the Denver Post

Prepare and press your best white outfit because Le Dîner en Blanc will return to Denver this year. 

The dinner party is slated for Saturday, June 15 at a yet-to-be-disclosed location. In fact, where the event will pop up is a secret until the moment attendees arrive dressed head-to-toe in white garb with their picnic meals at the ready.

Keeping the location mum is a signature piece of Le Dîner en Blanc, which made its Denver debut in 2022 when almost 900 guests got together at the Auraria Campus downtown for a night of dining and dancing. The other hallmark is the dress code -  Le Dîner en Blanc means "The White Dinner" in French and dressing the part is a must 


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